ด้วยความคิดส่วนตัวของฉันเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างเป็นวิธีที่มีประสิทธิภาพมากที่สุดในการส่งตัวแปรที่แตกต่างกันมากมายฉันได้สร้างห้องสมุดขึ้นมาเพื่อช่วยให้ง่ายต่อการส่ง structs และตัวแปรไปตามลำดับ รหัสแหล่งที่มา
ในไลบรารีนี้ทำให้การส่งผ่านอนุกรมทำได้อย่างง่ายดาย ฉันใช้กับฮาร์ดแวร์และซอฟต์แวร์อนุกรม ปกติแล้วสิ่งนี้จะถูกใช้ร่วมกับ xbee's ดังนั้นฉันจึงสามารถส่งข้อมูลแบบไร้สายไปและกลับจากหุ่นยนต์ได้
เมื่อส่งข้อมูลจะทำให้ง่ายขึ้นเพราะช่วยให้คุณสามารถส่งตัวแปรหรือ struct (มันไม่สนใจ)
// Send the variable charVariable over the serial.
// To send the variable you need to pass an instance of the Serial to use,
// a reference to the variable to send, and the size of the variable being sent.
// If you would like you can specify 2 extra arguments at the end which change the
// default prefix and suffix character used when attempting to reconstruct the variable
// on the receiving end. If prefix and suffix character are specified they'll need to
// match on the receiving end otherwise data won't properly be sent across
char charVariable = 'c'; // Define the variable to be sent over the serial
StreamSend::sendObject(Serial, &charVariable, sizeof(charVariable));
// Specify a prefix and suffix character
StreamSend::sendObject(Serial, &charVariable, sizeof(charVariable), 'a', 'z');
ตัวอย่างของการส่ง int อย่างง่ายผ่านอนุกรม:
int intVariable = 13496; // Define the int to be sent over the serial
StreamSend::sendObject(xbeeSerial, &intVariable, sizeof(intVariable));
// Specify a prefix and suffix character
StreamSend::sendObject(xbeeSerial, &intVariable, sizeof(intVariable), 'j', 'p');
// Define the struct to be sent over the serial
char charVariable;
int intVariable[7];
boolean boolVariable;
SIMPLE_STRUCT simpleStruct;
simpleStruct.charVariable = 'z'; // Set the charVariable in the struct to z
// Fill the intVariable array in the struct with numbers 0 through 6
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) {
simpleStruct.intVariable[i] = i;
// Send the struct to the object xbeeSerial which is a software serial that was
// defined. Instead of using xbeeSerial you can use Serial which will imply the
// hardware serial, and on a Mega you can specify Serial, Serial1, Serial2, Serial3.
StreamSend::sendObject(xbeeSerial, &simpleStruct, sizeof(simpleStruct));
// Send the same as above with a different prefix and suffix from the default values
// defined in StreamSend. When specifying when prefix and suffix character to send
// you need to make sure that on the receiving end they match otherwise the data
// won't be able to be read on the other end.
StreamSend::sendObject(xbeeSerial, &simpleStruct, sizeof(simpleStruct), '3', 'u');
รับถ่านที่ถูกส่งผ่าน Streamsend:
char charVariable; // Define the variable on where the data will be put
// Read the data from the Serial object an save it into charVariable once
// the data has been received
byte packetResults = StreamSend::receiveObject(Serial, &charVariable, sizeof(charVariable));
// Reconstruct the char coming from the Serial into charVariable that has a custom
// suffix of a and a prefix of z
byte packetResults = StreamSend::receiveObject(Serial, &charVariable, sizeof(charVariable), 'a', 'z');
การรับ int ที่ถูกส่งผ่าน StreamSend:
int intVariable; // Define the variable on where the data will be put
// Reconstruct the int from xbeeSerial into the variable intVariable
byte packetResults = StreamSend::receiveObject(xbeeSerial, &intVariable, sizeof(intVariable));
// Reconstruct the data into intVariable that was send with a custom prefix
// of j and a suffix of p
byte packetResults = StreamSend::receiveObject(xbeeSerial, &intVariable, sizeof(intVariable), 'j', 'p');
การรับโครงสร้างที่ถูกส่งผ่าน StreamSend:
// Define the struct that the data will be put
char charVariable;
int intVariable[7];
boolean boolVariable;
SIMPLE_STRUCT simpleStruct; // Create a struct to store the data in
// Reconstruct the data from xbeeSerial into the object simpleStruct
byte packetResults = StreamSend::receiveObject(xbeeSerial, &simpleStruct, sizeof(simpleStruct));
// Reconstruct the data from xbeeSerial into the object simplestruct that has
// a prefix of 3 and a suffix of p
byte packetResults = StreamSend::receiveObject(xbeeSerial, &simpleStruct, sizeof(simpleStruct), '3', 'p');
คุณจำเป็นต้องทราบว่าข้อมูลนั้นเป็น GOOD, Not Found หรือ BAD
ดี = สำเร็จ
ไม่พบ = ไม่พบอักขระนำหน้าใน ostream ที่ระบุ
ไม่ถูกต้อง = มีการพบอักขระนำหน้า แต่ข้อมูลไม่ครบถ้วน โดยปกติจะหมายถึงไม่พบอักขระต่อท้ายหรือข้อมูลไม่ได้ขนาดที่ถูกต้อง
// Once you call StreamSend::receiveObject() it returns a byte of the status of
// how things went. If you run that though some of the testing functions it'll
// let you know how the transaction went
if(StreamSend::isPacketGood(packetResults)) {
//The Packet was Good
} else {
//The Packet was Bad
if(StreamSend::isPacketCorrupt(packetResults)) {
//The Packet was Corrupt
} else {
//The Packet wasn't found or it was Good
if(StreamSend::isPacketNotFound(packetResults)) {
//The Packet was not found after Max # of Tries
} else {
//The Packet was Found, but can be corrupt
SteamSend Class:
#include "Arduino.h"
#define BAD_PACKET 1
#define GOOD_PACKET 2
// Set the Max size of the Serial Buffer or the amount of data you want to send+2
// You need to add 2 to allow the prefix and suffix character space to send.
#define MAX_SIZE 64
class StreamSend {
static int getWrapperSize() { return sizeof(char)*2; }
static byte receiveObject(Stream &ostream, void* ptr, unsigned int objSize, unsigned int loopSize);
static byte receiveObject(Stream &ostream, void* ptr, unsigned int objSize, unsigned int loopSize, char prefixChar, char suffixChar);
static char _prefixChar; // Default value is s
static char _suffixChar; // Default value is e
static int _maxLoopsToWait;
static void sendObject(Stream &ostream, void* ptr, unsigned int objSize);
static void sendObject(Stream &ostream, void* ptr, unsigned int objSize, char prefixChar, char suffixChar);
static byte receiveObject(Stream &ostream, void* ptr, unsigned int objSize);
static byte receiveObject(Stream &ostream, void* ptr, unsigned int objSize, char prefixChar, char suffixChar);
static boolean isPacketNotFound(const byte packetStatus);
static boolean isPacketCorrupt(const byte packetStatus);
static boolean isPacketGood(const byte packetStatus);
static void setPrefixChar(const char value) { _prefixChar = value; }
static void setSuffixChar(const char value) { _suffixChar = value; }
static void setMaxLoopsToWait(const int value) { _maxLoopsToWait = value; }
static const char getPrefixChar() { return _prefixChar; }
static const char getSuffixChar() { return _suffixChar; }
static const int getMaxLoopsToWait() { return _maxLoopsToWait; }
//Preset Some Default Variables
//Can be modified when seen fit
char StreamSend::_prefixChar = 's'; // Starting Character before sending any data across the Serial
char StreamSend::_suffixChar = 'e'; // Ending character after all the data is sent
int StreamSend::_maxLoopsToWait = -1; //Set to -1 for size of current Object and wrapper
* sendObject
* Converts the Object to bytes and sends it to the stream
* @param Stream to send data to
* @param ptr to struct to fill
* @param size of struct
* @param character to send before the data stream (optional)
* @param character to send after the data stream (optional)
void StreamSend::sendObject(Stream &ostream, void* ptr, unsigned int objSize) {
sendObject(ostream, ptr, objSize, _prefixChar, _suffixChar);
void StreamSend::sendObject(Stream &ostream, void* ptr, unsigned int objSize, char prefixChar, char suffixChar) {
if(MAX_SIZE >= objSize+getWrapperSize()) { //make sure the object isn't too large
byte * b = (byte *) ptr; // Create a ptr array of the bytes to send
ostream.write((byte)prefixChar); // Write the suffix character to signify the start of a stream
// Loop through all the bytes being send and write them to the stream
for(unsigned int i = 0; i<objSize; i++) {
ostream.write(b[i]); // Write each byte to the stream
ostream.write((byte)suffixChar); // Write the prefix character to signify the end of a stream
* receiveObject
* Gets the data from the stream and stores to supplied object
* @param Stream to read data from
* @param ptr to struct to fill
* @param size of struct
* @param character to send before the data stream (optional)
* @param character to send after the data stream (optional)
byte StreamSend::receiveObject(Stream &ostream, void* ptr, unsigned int objSize) {
return receiveObject(ostream, ptr, objSize, _prefixChar, _suffixChar);
byte StreamSend::receiveObject(Stream &ostream, void* ptr, unsigned int objSize, char prefixChar, char suffixChar) {
return receiveObject(ostream, ptr, objSize, 0, prefixChar, suffixChar);
byte StreamSend::receiveObject(Stream &ostream, void* ptr, unsigned int objSize, unsigned int loopSize, char prefixChar, char suffixChar) {
int maxLoops = (_maxLoopsToWait == -1) ? (objSize+getWrapperSize()) : _maxLoopsToWait;
if(loopSize >= maxLoops) {
if(ostream.available() >= (objSize+getWrapperSize())) { // Packet meets minimum size requirement
if(ostream.read() != (byte)prefixChar) {
// Prefix character is not found
// Loop through the code again reading the next char
return receiveObject(ostream, ptr, objSize, loopSize+1, prefixChar, suffixChar);
char data[objSize]; //Create a tmp char array of the data from Stream
ostream.readBytes(data, objSize); //Read the # of bytes
memcpy(ptr, data, objSize); //Copy the bytes into the struct
if(ostream.read() != (byte)suffixChar) {
//Suffix character is not found
return BAD_PACKET;
return PACKET_NOT_FOUND; //Prefix character wasn't found so no packet detected
boolean StreamSend::isPacketNotFound(const byte packetStatus) {
return (packetStatus == PACKET_NOT_FOUND);
boolean StreamSend::isPacketCorrupt(const byte packetStatus) {
return (packetStatus == BAD_PACKET);
boolean StreamSend::isPacketGood(const byte packetStatus) {
return (packetStatus == GOOD_PACKET);