type B=BigInt
def r(a:B,b:B,f:(B,B)=>B):B=if(b>1)f(a,r(a,b-1,f))else a
def h(a:B,b:B)=r(a,b,r(_,_,r(_,_,(_+_))))
type B=BigInt
def recursive (a:B, b:B, f:(B,B)=>B): B =
if (b>1) f (a, recursive (a, b-1, f))
else a
recursive (2, 3, recursive (_, _, recursive (_, _, (_ + _))))
type B=BigInt
def p (a:B, b:B):B = a+b
def m (a:B, b:B):B = if (b>1) p (a, m (a, b-1)) else a
def h (a:B, b:B):B = if (b>1) m (a, h (a, b-1)) else a
def t (a:B, b:B):B = if (b>1) h (a, t (a, b-1)) else a
plus, mul, high(:=pow), tetration all work in the same manner.
The common pattern can be extracted as recursive method, which takes two BigInts and a basic function:
def r (a:B, b:B, f:(B,B)=>B):B =
if (b>1) f(a, r(a, b-1, f)) else a
r (4, 3, r (_,_, r(_,_, (_+_))))
The underlines are placeholder for something which gets called in this sequence, for example the addition plus(a,b)=(a+b); therefore (+) is a function which takes two arguments and adds them (a+b).
unfortunately, I get issues with the stack size. It works for small values for 4 (for example: 2) or if I reduce the depth for one step:
def h(a:B,b:B)=r(a,b,r(_,_,(_*_))) // size -7, penalty + 5
def h(a:B,b:B)=r(a,b,r(_,_,r(_,_,(_+_))))
The original code is 112 characters and would score, if valid, 107. Maybe I find out how to increase the stack.
The expanded algorithm can be transformed to tailrecursive calls:
type B=BigInt
def p(a:B,b:B):B=a+b
import annotation._
def m(a:B,b:B,c:B=0):B=if(b>0)m(a,b-1,p(a,c))else c
def h(a:B,b:B,c:B=1):B=if(b>0)h(a,b-1,m(a,c))else c
def t(a:B,b:B,c:B=1):B=if(b>0)t(a,b-1,h(a,c))else c
The tailrecursive call is longer than the original method, but didn't raise a stackoverflow in the long version - however it doesn't yield a result in reasonable time. t(2,4) is fine, but t(3,3) already was stopped by me after 5 min. However, it is very elegant, isn't it?
// 124 = 119-5 bonus
type B=BigInt
def r(a:B,b:B,c:B,f:(B,B)=>B):B=if(b>0)r(a,b-1,f(a,c),f)else c
def t(a:B,b:B)=r(a,b,1,r(_,_,1,r(_,_,0,(_+_))))
And now the same as above: use stinky multiplication (we even profit while rejecting the bonus of 5, because we save 7 characters: win=4 chars:)
// 115 without bonus
type B=BigInt
def r(a:B,b:B,c:B,f:(B,B)=>B):B=if(b>0)r(a,b-1,f(a,c),f)else c
def t(a:B,b:B)=r(a,b,1,r(_,_,1,(_*_)))
timed ("t(4,3)")(t(4,3))
t(4,3): 1
scala> t(4,3)
res89: B = 13407807929942597099574024998205846127479365820592393377723561443721764030073546976801874298166903427690031858186486050853753882811946569946433649006084096
runtime: 1ms.
เป็นการคูณในบริบทบางอย่าง แต่ก็ยังเป็นตัวดำเนินการวนรอบอย่างง่าย:{block}N*
C-สไตล์ กรณีขอบที่ยุ่งยากคือการคูณสตริง / อาร์เรย์ ('a'3*
) แต่นั่นไม่น่าเป็นปัญหาเนื่องจากอาร์เรย์ของ4***3
องค์ประกอบจะล้น RAM