Ruby 2.3.1, 777 752 ไบต์
Edit_0: ฉันพลาดทุกการใช้งานตัวแปรที่สามารถเล่นได้และบางอย่างอื่น ๆ;$*.each_with_index do|j,i|a,e,n,b,u,q,r,z,y=0,j[0].to_i,j[1].to_i,j[2].to_i,j[3].to_i,['°','¯','-','^',"'"],['v','w','o','_',"-"],," ")," ";g,h=[z,["(#{q[e]}#{r[n]}#{q[e]})"," _|_ ","/[|]\\"," | "," / \\ "],[" "," , ","(#{q[e]}#{r[n]}#{q[e]})"]],[z,[" "," ^\"^ "],[" () ", " ´` "],[" .|. "," :\": "]];2.times{h[3].unshift(" | ")}unless b==1;if b<1 && u<1;@o.push(z);elsif b<1;u<3 ? (a=5):(a=3);a.times{h[u].push(y)};@o.push(h[u]);elsif u<1;b==1 ? (a=2):(a=4);a.times{g[b].unshift(y)};@o.push(g[b]);elsif u>0;2.times{h[u].push(y)}if u<3&&b>1;@o.push(h[u]+g[b]);end;@o.push(z);end;@o.transpose.each do|v|;v.each do |w|;print w;end;print"\n";end
รับจำนวนตัวแปรการตกแต่ง มีสนามกอล์ฟอีกหลายสนามที่สามารถทำสิ่งนี้ได้ ฉันไม่คุ้นเคยกับกลโกงของ Ruby มากมาย แต่นี่เป็นช็อตของมัน! ฉันมีความสุขที่สามารถแก้ไขได้
@output =
$*.each_with_index do |j, i|
# output decoration combo
s = 0
# set up vars for decoration input
e = j[0].to_i
n = j[1].to_i
b = j[2].to_i
u = j[3].to_i
# Setup decorations/misc
eyes = ['°','¯','-','^',"'"]
nose = ['v','w','o','_',"-"]
nothing =, " ")
skeleton = ["(#{eyes[e]}#{nose[n]}#{eyes[e]})", " _|_ ", "/[|]\\", " | ", " / \\ "]
pumpkin = [" ", " , ", "(#{eyes[e]}#{nose[n]}#{eyes[e]})"]
fbat = [" ", " ^\"^ "]
rbat = [" () ", " ´` "]
spider = [" | ", " .|. ", " :\": "]
spider.unshift(" | ") unless b == 1
a = " "
bot = [nothing, skeleton, pumpkin]
top = [nothing, fbat, rbat, spider]
# if bottom and upper are empty
if b < 1 && u < 1
# if bottom is empty
elsif b < 1
u < 2 ? (s = 3) : (s = 5)
s.times {top[u].push(a)}
# if upper is empty
elsif u < 1
# put in white space before the decorations
b == 1 ? (s = 2) : (s = 5)
s.times {bot[b].unshift(a)}
# if there's an upper decoration
elsif u > 0
# put in the top deco
2.times {top[u].push(a)} if u < 3 && b > 1
@output.push(top[u] + bot[b])
# Input the empty column
# Transpose the array of arrays so that
# instead of outputting each line of a single each decoration
# what's output is each line of each decoration.
# Example:
# [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
# [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4, 4, 4], [5, 5, 5, 5, 5]]
@output.transpose.each do |data|
data.each do |data1|
print data1
print "\n"
ruby deco_g.rb 0000 0001 0002 0003 1110 1111 1112 1113 2220 2221 2222 2223 3310 3312 3321 3323
() | () .|. () | () |
^"^ ´` | ^"^ ´` :": ^"^ ´` | ´` ^"^ |
.|. (¯w¯) (¯w¯) (¯w¯) (¯w¯) .|. (^_^) (^_^) .|.
:": _|_ _|_ _|_ _|_ :": _|_ _|_ :":
/[|]\ /[|]\ /[|]\ /[|]\ /[|]\ /[|]\
| | | | , , , , | | , ,
/ \ / \ / \ / \ (-o-) (-o-) (-o-) (-o-) / \ / \ (^_^) (^_^)