monad ที่จัดทำดัชนีคืออะไร?


monad ที่จัดทำดัชนีคืออะไรและแรงจูงใจสำหรับ monad นี้?

ฉันได้อ่านพบว่าช่วยในการติดตามผลข้างเคียง แต่ลายเซ็นและเอกสารของประเภทไม่ได้นำฉันไปไหน

อะไรคือตัวอย่างของวิธีที่สามารถช่วยในการติดตามผลข้างเคียง (หรือตัวอย่างอื่น ๆ ที่ถูกต้อง)



เช่นเคยคำศัพท์ที่ผู้คนใช้ไม่สอดคล้องกันทั้งหมด มีแนวคิดที่ได้รับแรงบันดาลใจจาก monads มากมาย แต่พูดอย่างเคร่งครัดไม่ได้เป็นอย่างนั้น คำว่า "Indexed monad" เป็นหนึ่งในจำนวน (รวมถึง "monadish" และ "parameterised monad" (ชื่อ Atkey สำหรับพวกเขา)) ของคำที่ใช้เพื่ออธิบายลักษณะของแนวคิดดังกล่าว (อีกแนวคิดหนึ่งหากคุณสนใจคือ "parametric effect monad" ของ Katsumata ซึ่งจัดทำดัชนีโดย monoid ซึ่งผลตอบแทนจะถูกจัดทำดัชนีเป็นกลางและผูกไว้ในดัชนี)


IxMonad (m :: state -> state -> * -> *)

นั่นคือประเภทของ "การคำนวณ" (หรือ "การกระทำ" ถ้าคุณต้องการ แต่ฉันจะยึดติดกับ "การคำนวณ") ดูเหมือนว่า

m before after value

ที่ไหนbefore, after :: stateและvalue :: *. แนวคิดคือการจับวิธีการโต้ตอบอย่างปลอดภัยกับระบบภายนอกที่มีแนวคิดเกี่ยวกับสถานะที่คาดเดาได้ ประเภทของการคำนวณจะบอกคุณว่ารัฐต้องเป็นbeforeอย่างไรรัฐจะเป็นafterอย่างไรและ (เช่นเดียวกับการคำนวณทั่วไป*) ประเภทของvalueการคำนวณที่สร้างขึ้น

บิตและชิ้นส่วนตามปกตินั้นมี*ลักษณะคล้ายกับ monad และstateเช่นเดียวกับการเล่นโดมิโน

ireturn  ::  a -> m i i a    -- returning a pure value preserves state
ibind    ::  m i j a ->      -- we can go from i to j and get an a, thence
             (a -> m j k b)  -- we can go from j to k and get a b, therefore
             -> m i k b      -- we can indeed go from i to k and get a b

แนวคิดของ "ลูกศร Kleisli" (ฟังก์ชันที่ให้ผลการคำนวณ) จึงสร้างขึ้น

a -> m i j b   -- values a in, b out; state transition i to j


icomp :: IxMonad m => (b -> m j k c) -> (a -> m i j b) -> a -> m i k c
icomp f g = \ a -> ibind (g a) f


      ireturn `icomp` g = g
      f `icomp` ireturn = f
(f `icomp` g) `icomp` h = f `icomp` (g `icomp` h)

หรือในตลก C / Java ปลอม / อะไรก็ตาม

      g(); skip = g()
      skip; f() = f()
{g(); h()}; f() = h(); {g(); f()}

Why bother? To model "rules" of interaction. For example, you can't eject a dvd if there isn't one in the drive, and you can't put a dvd into the drive if there's one already in it. So

data DVDDrive :: Bool -> Bool -> * -> * where  -- Bool is "drive full?"
  DReturn :: a -> DVDDrive i i a
  DInsert :: DVD ->                   -- you have a DVD
             DVDDrive True k a ->     -- you know how to continue full
             DVDDrive False k a       -- so you can insert from empty
  DEject  :: (DVD ->                  -- once you receive a DVD
              DVDDrive False k a) ->  -- you know how to continue empty
             DVDDrive True k a        -- so you can eject when full

instance IxMonad DVDDrive where  -- put these methods where they need to go
  ireturn = DReturn              -- so this goes somewhere else
  ibind (DReturn a)     k  = k a
  ibind (DInsert dvd j) k  = DInsert dvd (ibind j k)
  ibind (DEject j)      k  = DEject j $ \ dvd -> ibind (j dvd) k

With this in place, we can define the "primitive" commands

dInsert :: DVD -> DVDDrive False True ()
dInsert dvd = DInsert dvd $ DReturn ()

dEject :: DVDrive True False DVD
dEject = DEject $ \ dvd -> DReturn dvd

from which others are assembled with ireturn and ibind. Now, I can write (borrowing do-notation)

discSwap :: DVD -> DVDDrive True True DVD
discSwap dvd = do dvd' <- dEject; dInsert dvd ; ireturn dvd'

but not the physically impossible

discSwap :: DVD -> DVDDrive True True DVD
discSwap dvd = do dInsert dvd; dEject      -- ouch!

Alternatively, one can define one's primitive commands directly

data DVDCommand :: Bool -> Bool -> * -> * where
  InsertC  :: DVD -> DVDCommand False True ()
  EjectC   :: DVDCommand True False DVD

and then instantiate the generic template

data CommandIxMonad :: (state -> state -> * -> *) ->
                        state -> state -> * -> * where
  CReturn  :: a -> CommandIxMonad c i i a
  (:?)     :: c i j a -> (a -> CommandIxMonad c j k b) ->
                CommandIxMonad c i k b

instance IxMonad (CommandIxMonad c) where
  ireturn = CReturn
  ibind (CReturn a) k  = k a
  ibind (c :? j)    k  = c :? \ a -> ibind (j a) k

In effect, we've said what the primitive Kleisli arrows are (what one "domino" is), then built a suitable notion of "computation sequence" over them.

Note that for every indexed monad m, the "no change diagonal" m i i is a monad, but in general, m i j is not. Moreover, values are not indexed but computations are indexed, so an indexed monad is not just the usual idea of monad instantiated for some other category.

Now, look again at the type of a Kleisli arrow

a -> m i j b

We know we must be in state i to start, and we predict that any continuation will start from state j. We know a lot about this system! This isn't a risky operation! When we put the dvd in the drive, it goes in! The dvd drive doesn't get any say in what the state is after each command.

But that's not true in general, when interacting with the world. Sometimes you might need to give away some control and let the world do what it likes. For example, if you are a server, you might offer your client a choice, and your session state will depend on what they choose. The server's "offer choice" operation does not determine the resulting state, but the server should be able to carry on anyway. It's not a "primitive command" in the above sense, so indexed monads are not such a good tool to model the unpredictable scenario.

What's a better tool?

type f :-> g = forall state. f state -> g state

class MonadIx (m :: (state -> *) -> (state -> *)) where
  returnIx    :: x :-> m x
  flipBindIx  :: (a :-> m b) -> (m a :-> m b)  -- tidier than bindIx

Scary biscuits? Not really, for two reasons. One, it looks rather more like what a monad is, because it is a monad, but over (state -> *) rather than *. Two, if you look at the type of a Kleisli arrow,

a :-> m b   =   forall state. a state -> m b state

you get the type of computations with a precondition a and postcondition b, just like in Good Old Hoare Logic. Assertions in program logics have taken under half a century to cross the Curry-Howard correspondence and become Haskell types. The type of returnIx says "you can achieve any postcondition which holds, just by doing nothing", which is the Hoare Logic rule for "skip". The corresponding composition is the Hoare Logic rule for ";".

Let's finish by looking at the type of bindIx, putting all the quantifiers in.

bindIx :: forall i. m a i -> (forall j. a j -> m b j) -> m b i

These foralls have opposite polarity. We choose initial state i, and a computation which can start at i, with postcondition a. The world chooses any intermediate state j it likes, but it must give us the evidence that postcondition b holds, and from any such state, we can carry on to make b hold. So, in sequence, we can achieve condition b from state i. By releasing our grip on the "after" states, we can model unpredictable computations.

Both IxMonad and MonadIx are useful. Both model validity of interactive computations with respect to changing state, predictable and unpredictable, respectively. Predictability is valuable when you can get it, but unpredictability is sometimes a fact of life. Hopefully, then, this answer gives some indication of what indexed monads are, predicting both when they start to be useful and when they stop.

How can you pass the True/False values as type arguments to DVDDrive? Is that some extension, or are the booleans actually types in here?

@Bergi The booleans have been "lifted" to exist at the type level. This is possible in Haskell using the DataKinds extension and in dependently typed languages... well, that's kind of the whole thing.
J. Abrahamson

Could you expand a little on MonadIx, perhaps with examples? Is it better on theoretical grounds, or better for practical application?
Christian Conkle

@ChristianConkle I realise that's not terribly helpful. But you raise what's really a whole other question. Locally when I say MonadIx is "better" I mean in the context of modelling interactions with an unpredictable environment. Like if your dvd drive is allowed to spit out dvds it doesn't like when you try to insert them. Some practical situations are as badly behaved as that. Others have more predictability (meaning you can say in what state any continuation starts, not that operations don't fail), in which case IxMonad is easier to work with.

When you "borrow" the do notation in the answer, it could be useful to say that it is actually valid syntax with the RebindableSyntax extension. A mention of other required extensions would be nice, like the aforementioned DataKinds


There are at least three ways to define an indexed monad that I know.

I'll refer to these options as indexed monads à la X, where X ranges over the computer scientists Bob Atkey, Conor McBride and Dominic Orchard, as that is how I tend to think of them. Parts of these constructions have a much longer more illustrious history and nicer interpretations through category theory, but I first learned of them associated with these names, and I'm trying to keep this answer from getting too esoteric.


Bob Atkey's style of indexed monad is to work with 2 extra parameters to deal with the index of the monad.

With that you get the definitions folks have tossed around in other answers:

class IMonad m where
  ireturn  ::  a -> m i i a
  ibind    ::  m i j a -> (a -> m j k b) -> m i k b

We can also define indexed comonads à la Atkey as well. I actually get a lot of mileage out of those in the lens codebase.


The next form of indexed monad is Conor McBride's definition from his paper "Kleisli Arrows of Outrageous Fortune". He instead uses a single parameter for the index. This makes the indexed monad definition have a rather clever shape.

If we define a natural transformation using parametricity as follows

type a ~> b = forall i. a i -> b i 

then we can write down McBride's definition as

class IMonad m where
  ireturn :: a ~> m a
  ibind :: (a ~> m b) -> (m a ~> m b)

This feels quite different than Atkey's, but it feels more like a normal Monad, instead of building a monad on (m :: * -> *), we build it on (m :: (k -> *) -> (k -> *).

Interestingly you can actually recover Atkey's style of indexed monad from McBride's by using a clever data type, which McBride in his inimitable style chooses to say you should read as "at key".

data (:=) :: a i j where
   V :: a -> (a := i) i

Now you can work out that

ireturn :: IMonad m => (a := j) ~> m (a := j)

which expands to

ireturn :: IMonad m => (a := j) i -> m (a := j) i

can only be invoked when j = i, and then a careful reading of ibind can get you back the same as Atkey's ibind. You need to pass around these (:=) data structures, but they recover the power of the Atkey presentation.

On the other hand, the Atkey presentation isn't strong enough to recover all uses of McBride's version. Power has been strictly gained.

Another nice thing is that McBride's indexed monad is clearly a monad, it is just a monad on a different functor category. It works over endofunctors on the category of functors from (k -> *) to (k -> *) rather than the category of functors from * to *.

A fun exercise is figuring out how to do the McBride to Atkey conversion for indexed comonads. I personally use a data type 'At' for the "at key" construction in McBride's paper. I actually walked up to Bob Atkey at ICFP 2013 and mentioned that I'd turned him inside out at made him into a "Coat". He seemed visibly disturbed. The line played out better in my head. =)


Finally, a third far-less-commonly-referenced claimant to the name of "indexed monad" is due to Dominic Orchard, where he instead uses a type level monoid to smash together indices. Rather than go through the details of the construction, I'll simply link to this talk:

Am I right that Orchard's monad is equivalent to Atkey's, as we can go from the former to the latter by taking the endomorphism monoid, and go backwards by CPS encoding monoidal appends in the state transition?
András Kovács

That sounds plausible to me.
Edward KMETT

That said, based on something he said to me at ICFP 2013, I believe Orchard intended his type families to act like a real monoid rather than an arbitrary category where some of the arrows can't connect, so there may be more to the story than that, as Atkey's construction lets you easily restrict some Kleisli actions from connecting with others -- in many ways that is the very point of it and McBride's version.
Edward KMETT

To expand on the "careful reading of ibind": Introduce the type alias Atkey m i j a = m (a := j) i. Using this as the m in Atkey's definition recovers the two signatures we search for: ireturnAtkin :: a -> m (a := i) i and ibindAtkin :: m (a := j) i -> (a -> m (b := k) j) -> m (b := k) i. The first one is obtained by composition: ireturn . V. The second one by (1) building a function forall j. (a := j) j -> m (b := k) j by pattern matching, then passing the recovered a to the second argument of ibindAtkin.


As a simple scenario, assume you have a state monad. The state type is a complex large one, yet all these states can be partitioned into two sets: red and blue states. Some operations in this monad make sense only if the current state is a blue state. Among these, some will keep the state blue (blueToBlue), while others will make the state red (blueToRed). In a regular monad, we could write

blueToRed  :: State S ()
blueToBlue :: State S ()

foo :: State S ()
foo = do blueToRed

triggering a runtime error since the second action expects a blue state. We would like to prevent this statically. Indexed monad fulfills this goal:

data Red
data Blue

-- assume a new indexed State monad
blueToRed  :: State S Blue Red  ()
blueToBlue :: State S Blue Blue ()

foo :: State S ?? ?? ()
foo = blueToRed `ibind` \_ ->
      blueToBlue          -- type error

A type error is triggered because the second index of blueToRed (Red) differs from the first index of blueToBlue (Blue).

As another example, with indexed monads you can allow a state monad to change the type for its state, e.g. you could have

data State old new a = State (old -> (new, a))

You could use the above to build a state which is a statically-typed heterogeneous stack. Operations would have type

push :: a -> State old (a,old) ()
pop  :: State (a,new) new a

As another example, suppose you want a restricted IO monad which does not allow file access. You could use e.g.

openFile :: IO any FilesAccessed ()
newIORef :: a -> IO any any (IORef a)
-- no operation of type :: IO any NoAccess _

In this way, an action having type IO ... NoAccess () is statically guaranteed to be file-access-free. Instead, an action of type IO ... FilesAccessed () can access files. Having an indexed monad would mean you don't have to build a separate type for the restricted IO, which would require to duplicate every non-file-related function in both IO types.


An indexed monad isn't a specific monad like, for example, the state monad but a sort of generalization of the monad concept with extra type parameters.

Whereas a "standard" monadic value has the type Monad m => m a a value in an indexed monad would be IndexedMonad m => m i j a where i and j are index types so that i is the type of the index at the beginning of the monadic computation and j at the end of the computation. In a way, you can think of i as a sort of input type and j as the output type.

Using State as an example, a stateful computation State s a maintains a state of type s throughout the computation and returns a result of type a. An indexed version, IndexedState i j a, is a stateful computation where the state can change to a different type during the computation. The initial state has the type i and state and the end of the computation has the type j.

Using an indexed monad over a normal monad is rarely necessary but it can be used in some cases to encode stricter static guarantees.


It may be important to take a look how indexing is used in dependent types (eg in agda). This can explain how indexing helps in general, then translate this experience to monads.

Indexing permits to establish relationships between particular instances of types. Then you can reason about some values to establish whether that relationship holds.

For example (in agda) you can specify that some natural numbers are related with _<_, and the type tells which numbers they are. Then you can require that some function is given a witness that m < n, because only then the function works correctly - and without providing such witness the program will not compile.

As another example, given enough perseverance and compiler support for your chosen language, you could encode that the function assumes that a certain list is sorted.

Indexed monads permit to encode some of what dependent type systems do, to manage side effects more precisely.

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